

package datatype

  1. Public
  2. All

Type Members

  1. class AvroArray extends AvroType with AvroContainer

    Avro "array" type for homogeneous lists.

  2. class AvroBoolean extends AvroType

    Avro "boolean" type.

  3. class AvroBytes extends AvroType with AvroRaw

    Avro "bytes" type for arbitrary byte arrays.

  4. trait AvroCompiled extends AvroType

    AvroTypes that are compiled in Java (AvroRecord, AvroFixed, AvroEnum).

  5. trait AvroContainer extends AvroType

    AvroTypes that contain other AvroTypes (AvroArray, AvroMap, AvroRecord).

  6. class AvroDouble extends AvroType with AvroNumber

    Avro "double" type for 64-bit IEEE floating-point numbers.

  7. class AvroEnum extends AvroType with AvroIdentifier with AvroCompiled

    Avro "enum" type for a small collection of string-labeled values.

  8. class AvroField extends AnyRef

    Field for an Avro "record" type.

  9. case class AvroFilledPlaceholder(avroType: AvroType) extends AvroPlaceholder with Product with Serializable

    Used to create AvroPlaceholder objects to satisfy functions that require them, yet the type is already known.

  10. class AvroFixed extends AvroType with AvroRaw with AvroCompiled

    Avro "fixed" type for fixed-length byte arrays.

  11. class AvroFloat extends AvroType with AvroNumber

    Avro "float" type for 32-bit IEEE floating-point numbers.

  12. trait AvroIdentifier extends AvroType

    AvroTypes that can be used as identifiers (AvroString, AvroEnum).

  13. class AvroInt extends AvroType with AvroNumber

    Avro "int" type for 32-bit integers.

  14. class AvroLong extends AvroType with AvroNumber

    Avro "long" type for 64-bit integers.

  15. class AvroMap extends AvroType with AvroContainer with AvroMapping

    Avro "map" type for homogeneous maps (keys must be strings).

  16. trait AvroMapping extends AvroType

    AvroTypes that are represented by a JSON object in JSON (AvroMap, AvroRecord).

  17. class AvroNull extends AvroType

    Avro "null" type.

  18. trait AvroNumber extends AvroType

    Numeric AvroTypes (AvroInt, AvroLong, AvroFloat, AvroDouble).

  19. class AvroPlaceholder extends AnyRef

    Represents a type that can't be resolved yet because JSON objects may be streamed in an unknown order.

  20. trait AvroRaw extends AvroType

    Raw-byte AvroTypes (AvroBytes, AvroFixed).

  21. class AvroRecord extends AvroType with AvroContainer with AvroMapping with AvroCompiled

    Avro "record" type for inhomogeneous collections of named (and required) fields.

  22. class AvroString extends AvroType with AvroIdentifier

    Avro "string" type for UTF-8 encoded strings.

  23. abstract class AvroType extends Type

    Base class for types of all PFA/Avro values.

  24. class AvroTypeBuilder extends AnyRef

    Factory that coordinates the process of collecting Avro strings, putting them in a ForwardDeclarationParser, and then resolving them all at the end, independent of order.

  25. class AvroUnion extends AvroType

    Avro "union" type for tagged unions.

  26. case class FcnType(params: Seq[Type], ret: AvroType) extends Type with Product with Serializable

    Pseudo-type for inlines functions that can appear in argument lists.

  27. class ForwardDeclarationParser extends AnyRef

    Container that stores Avro types as they're collected from a PFA file, returning AvroPlaceholder objects, and then resolves those types indepenedent of the order in which they were read from the file.

  28. trait Type extends AnyRef

    Superclass of all Avro types and also inline functions, which can only appear in argument lists.

Value Members

  1. object AvroArray

  2. object AvroBoolean

  3. object AvroBytes

  4. object AvroConversions

    Import this object to get implicit conversions among org.apache.avro.Schema, AvroType, AvroPlaceholder, and their JSON representation.

  5. object AvroDouble

  6. object AvroEnum

  7. object AvroField

  8. object AvroFixed

  9. object AvroFloat

  10. object AvroIdentifier

  11. object AvroInt

  12. object AvroLong

  13. object AvroMap

  14. object AvroNull

  15. object AvroNumber

  16. object AvroPlaceholder

  17. object AvroRaw

  18. object AvroRecord

  19. object AvroString

  20. object AvroUnion
